Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"ANNIE" 2-24-2015

Warm Up

Run 400m

Focused Stretching


For Time:


Double Unders

Cool Down

Run 400m
Mobility Stretching

Saturday, February 21, 2015

WOD 2-21-2015

For Time:

200m Row

Run 800m

400m Sled Pull @135/115lbs

Back in the Saddle!!!

Hello all,

I know it's been too long.  Well I'm back in the saddle again and more than ready to get things up and rolling again.  I recently moved to Oregon and started at my new Crossfit Box today; Crossfit Klamath.  Great facilities, coaches and people.  I have been through alot in the last few months and put on some pounds, so now it's time to lose all that and get back to where I was.  So join me on my journey and maybe I can inspire you all once again as well.  Remember, as always my friends, STAY FIT!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

"9-1-2014" WOD


100 Single Unders or 50 Double Unders


3 Rounds

10 Pushups

Run 100m

10 Froggy Jumps

Run 100m

10 Up/Downs

Run 100m

10 Jumping Lunges

Run 100m


4 Rounds

Run Stairs

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Goodbye Bull" WOD

Although I write this blog, I want to take a moment to say thanks.  Tonight is my FINAL workout with my Minions of Fitness.  I want to express my deepest appreciation for being such a great group over the time we had.  I hope I made a difference in each and everyone's life?  I will remember you all.  Again, thank you guys.  Stay Fit!!


80 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


Run 1600m

30 Diamond Pushups

30 Squats

Swim 200m

Cash Out

ENJOY LIFE to it's Fullest!!