Monday, June 17, 2013


Are you an athlete competing at any of the CrossFit Regionals?
Based on my experiences at the past two Regional events, I have come up with an outline of where to direct focus and how to approach certain events. I am not an individual coach, nor do I want to be one. Rather, I specialize in playing smart, from preparation to recovery. I support the athlete and his or her individualistic needs.
Here’s my breakdown of the events:
  • Jackie
    • Start at 80 to 90 percent intensity and be ready to turn it up full speed after about 10 thrusters. Thrusters and pull-ups must be unbroken if you want to win.
    • Warm-up: Posterior chain and core. Your glute muscles and hamstrings are going to provide the biggest, most efficient power output for rowing and the thrusters. If your hip flexors are too tight, they will inhibit your glutes. Activate and engage your core not only for the pull-ups, but the thrusters as well.
      • Good mornings
      • Wall lunge
      • Hollow rocks
      • Shoulder taps while in plank
  • OHS and Muscle-Ups
    • 3 reps of OHS in 7 minutes
      • Do not try to PR in this event. Do not even start at your PR. The minimum work requirement is to complete three reps at the opening weight.
      • For example, if your OHS personal best is 175 pounds, then I would advise you to start at 155 pounds. Play it smart and get the points.
  • 30 burpee muscle-ups in 7 minutes
    • Depending on how many squats you did in the OHS Complex, you will have had sufficient time to rest or only the allotted two minutes to rest. Be aware of this coming into these two afternoon events.
    • Find your rhythm and keep going. Do not stop and stare at the rings. Try to avoid coming out of the gate too hot or you will be stuck waiting while everyone else is moving.
  • Warm-Up: Shoulder stability. Yes, glutes and core should be warmed-up as well, but your shoulders need to have a full range of motion as well as stability.
    • PVC pass-throughs and windmills. Super band work for increased mobility
    • Plank with arm taps
    • Scapula push-ups
    • Handstands
  • 100s
    • A hundred reps of anything is not pleasant. This is a mental workout. Pick sets that will support your mind. Give yourself little mountains to conquer.
    • For example, if chest-to-bar pull-ups are not your jam, then do small manageable sets of three or four. Reps are not gained hanging on the bar. If the dumbbell snatch is a bit heavy for you, then do sets of four or five.
    • Warm-up: Mobilize and activate everything
      • Deep lunges and squats
      • Mobility bands and PVC pass-throughs
      • Jog or row for five to seven minutes
      • Scapula pull-ups and hollow swings from bar
      • Good mornings with barbell or dumbbell
      • Deadlifts and Box Jumps
        • This is a fast, explosive workout. To win this workout, you have got to have clean reps with very little time off the bar.
        • Breaking up the set of 21 into two sets is okay, but aim to get 16 to 18 on the first set. Breaking up the set of 15 into two sets is okay, but aim for eight and seven. If you have to break it up into three sets, then remember to be quick back on the bar.
        • Warm-up: Get hot and explosive. Activate your posterior chain and do a dynamic, track-style warm-up.
          • Glute bridges, good mornings and squats
          • Deep lunges, butt kickers, high knees and skips
          • Squat hops, broad jumps and box jumps
  • Chipper with Axel
    • I call this the gut-check workout because it will hurt. You’re on day three, you’re sore, and this workout is long enough to make you not want to do it. Time to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?”
    • The lunges with the axel in the front-rack position were the game changer. I witnessed competitors have a significant lead and fall five or six places because of this movement.
    • Warm-up: Core. Your core is going to save you in this workout. If you have a sloppy core, you will have a sore back and/or shoulders after this workout.
      • Plank, side plank and mountain climbers
      • Hollow holds and hollow snaps
      • Superman holds
      • Handstands and HSPUs
  • Rope Climbs and Squat Cleans
    • This event will go quicker than you think. Yes, you must be able to climb a rope, but you also must be able to lift substantial weight efficiently.
    • If you want to win, then do the first (and maybe second) set of squat cleans unbroken. Fast singles are great if you spend no time resting.
    • Warm-up: full body. I would warm-up similar to the 100s workout, but with a little more explosiveness. Your deep squat has got to be dialed in.
      • Glute bridges and hollow holds
      • Burgener warm-up
      • Fast elbows into squat
      • Squat cleans and rope climbs
Remember, this is just an outline. I’ve worked with specific athletes on their needs and desired outcomes. Each competitive athlete is different. If someone has a prior shoulder injury or back injury, they will definitely have to give more attention to certain body parts in the warm-up. This outline only covers how to approach workouts. Don’t forget, recovery is just as important. Have fun and play smart.

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