Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Scaled by Coach Mike Anderson of Kandahar Crossfit

Some of us act like "scaled" is right up there with all the other four, five or six letter derogatory words.
Like its a word to be ashamed of.
A word that automatically invalidates your WOD or your efforts.
Like the statement "I scaled" is synonymous with "I cheated".
But it isn't.
Every elite athlete has scaled. Hell, they still scale.
Do you think they just woke up one morning, walked into a box and qualified for the Games that night?
Do you think they were born with a muscle up or whipped out double unders on the school yard?
They worked for their skills, for days or weeks or months or years, they worked for them.
When they reached their goal they quickly set another, one just a little bit harder, one just a bit heavier, one just a bit more skilled.
And they scaled, they broke it down into bite sized chunks, they drilled it, they dreamed it, they worked it, and then they got it.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't think they cheated their way there, I'm pretty sure they think they scaled their way there.
If scaling is OK for them, why not for you?

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