Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We doubt our abilities, and it holds us back.

We are reluctant to think we can add weight to the bar, because we are to close to our current PR - a PR that is meant to be broken.

We don't believe we can finish the WOD within the cutoff time, because last time we got a time that was 15s slower - a time that is meant to be crushed.

We are skeptical of the HSPU in Diane or the DU in Annie, because of the skill or volume. We settle for just "not being able to".

We don't believe that we will ever get off the band and get those pesky pullups unassisted.

We doubt our abilities, when instead we should be doubting our limits.

We should know that we are capable of more, we can lift more weight, WOD faster, attain new skills, meet new goals - we can do it all with just a bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of sweat.

It will never be easy.

You will never finish Fran feeling good, no matter what your time is. The bar will never feel light and the skills will never just happen.

It will take work, it will take time and patience and pain.

It will take you doubting your limits instead of your abilities - but it will come.

You will get that new PR, you will crush your old time, you will throw off the band and you will attain new skills, you just have to keep at it.

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