Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Failure can be a good thing.

We spend so much time trying not to fail, in life and in the gym, that we can easily lose sight of the benefits of failure.

You might be writing me off at this point, I mean who wants to fail? What good can failure do for you?

Failure can make you stronger.

You can not become a great weightlifter without failing a lot of lifts. In fact, you can't even become a good (or even decent) weightlifter without failing a lot of lifts.

The failure is how you learn to get under it, it is how you learn to find your starting position, how you learn to use your hips.

Failure teaches you this, it teaches you that you can't just muscle everything up, no matter how badly you want to.

It teaches you that you have to listen to your coaches, you have to stop taking the "easy" way through the lift and start taking the right way through the lift.

Failure teaches you how to be humble, how to respect the bar.

Without failure there is no new PR. There is no new improvement, because there is no new effort.

So start trying to get under the bar, even if you have to bail, at least give it a shot.

Start loading those fractionals on, even though you aren't sure if you can lift it.

Start finding proper technique at lighter weights instead of crap technique when you are maxed out.

Start using failure as a tool, as a way to get ahead, and as a way to get stronger.

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