Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why ISAGENIX??-by-Wendy Aucoin


There are two main components to Isagenix. First, Isagenix pioneered a safe and effective NUTRITIONAL CELLULAR CLEANSE (not a colon cleanse) that helps the body REMOVE IMPURITIES and thus allowing your HORMONES to BURN FAT more effectively. Part of the reason people have fat is because of the toxin build up in the body. Fat is produced to encapsulate the harmful toxins. Toxins also inhibit that natural way hormones are supposed to work in the body.

When you get rid of the toxins, you get rid of the fat. Your hormones love to cleanse!

The second component is the very enjoyable and tasty meal replacement Isalean shakes. Our nation's FOOD supply is NUTRITIONALLY DEPLETED and it is virtually impossible to get the 90 key nutrients your body needs on a daily basis unless you supplement. The 90 consists of 60 minerals and 30 vitamins, amino and fatty acids. The shakes contain 242 NATURAL ingredients.

There are other companion products that make up the system but the two above are the keys.

I also teach simple nutrition KEYS so that you're eating the best food, outside of Isagenix, that will maximize your health.

Isagenix is AFFORDABLE because it’s a meal replacement system. It is priced less than many meals you eat now and one of the best parts is that you will NOT GO HUNGRY using Isagenix because it’s not a diet.

Most people I talk to want to know more. If you'd like more knowledge in this area, please let me know by replying to my message and I'll follow up with you.

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