Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Test of Fitness (+playlist)

Video Submission Demo: Open Workout 14.1 (+playlist)

Open Workout 14.1 Standards (+playlist)

"Crossfit Open" Workout 14.1

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
55-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

MASTERS MEN - includes Masters Men 55+
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
65-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

MASTERS WOMEN - includes Masters Women 55+
30 double-unders
45-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

This workout begins with the Athlete holding their jump rope with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 30 double-unders are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform power snatches. For the power snatch to count, the barbell will move from the ground (or below the knee if the barbell is unloaded) to the overhead position with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. After the 15 reps, they will move back to the jump rope and begin the next round.

Every rep counts in this workout. Credit will be given for partially completed rounds. You will enter your result by the total number of reps completed.

• Jump rope 
• Barbell
• Collars
• Plates to load to the appropriate weight for your division

Video Submission Standards

Click here to see an example of a valid video submission.

Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A second person with a stopwatch should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from the side so it is clear that the barbell is locked out overhead and the rope is passing twice under the feet.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

CrossFit - Back Extension, Hip Extension, Hip-back Extension

"Practice and Achieve" WOD


Run 800m

Walking Lunges

Man Makers


Double Under Development


2 Rounds; SLOWLY

20 Back Extensions

15 Hip Extensions

10 Hip-Back Extensions

50 GHD Situps

Cash Out

2000m Row

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Let the Cards Fall" WOD


5 Rounds

Rd 1: 
5 reps T2B on Rings
5 reps Kettlebell Swings

Rd 2:
5 reps Knees to Elbows
5 reps Kettlebell Squats

Rd 3:
5 reps Burpee Ring Pullups
5 reps Switch Hands Kettlebell Swings

Rd 4:
5 reps T2B on Rings
5 reps Kettlebell Swings

Rd 5:
5 reps Burpee Ring Pulups
5 reps Kettlebell Squats


52 Deck of Cards

"Start with a normal deck of playing cards.  Each suit represents a prescribed exercise and the face is the amount.  Aces are 11, Kings, Queens, and Jacks are 10 and Jokers are 12 of which ever exercise you prefer and the others are that particular number."




Clubs=Box Jumps

CrossFit Tour: Khalipa and His Haka

Monday, February 17, 2014

"I Love Lift" WOD


200m Sprints=Total: 1600m


12 Rounds for Time:

10 Back Squats @135/65lbs

Sprint Length of Gym: Down and Back

5 Burpee Pullups

Sprint Length of Gym; Down and Back

Cash Out

2 Rounds

10 GHD Situps
10 Hip Extensions

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Me vs. ... (+playlist)

I'm In (+playlist)

Rich Froning's 225-lb. Isabel

Danny Broflex: Episode 6 - Bro-Reps

107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart…. Who looks out­side, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” 

–Carl Jung 

“What may be done at any time will be done at no time.”

–Scot­tish Proverb

“You can be cer­tain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being pre­pared for great achievement.”

–Napoleon Hill

“The only peo­ple with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.”

–John E. Southard

“All growth is a leap in the dark, a spon­ta­neous unpremed­i­tated act with­out ben­e­fit of experience.”

–Henry Miller

“How does one become a but­ter­fly? You must want to fly so much that you are will­ing to give up being a caterpillar.”

– Trina Paulus

“Noth­ing can stop the man with the right men­tal atti­tude; noth­ing on earth can help the man with the wrong men­tal attitude.”

–Thomas Jef­fer­son

“In times like these it helps to recall there have always been times like these.”

–Paul Har­vey

“Keep steadily before you the fact that all true suc­cess depends at last upon yourself.”

–Theodore Hunger

“Say what you want to say when you have the feel­ing and the chance. My great­est regrets are the things I did not do, the oppor­tu­ni­ties missed and the things unsaid.”

–Jim Keller

“Arriv­ing at one goal is the start­ing point to another.”

–John Dewey

“We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.”

–Rabindranth Tagore

“I can­not give you the for­mula for suc­cess, but I can give you the for­mula for fail­ure: Try to please everybody.”

–Her­bert Bayard Swope

“You can have any­thing you want if you are will­ing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.”

–Robert Anthony

“It’s not what hap­pens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”


“The true mea­sure of an indi­vid­ual is how he treats a per­son who can do him absolutely no good.”

–Ann Lan­ders

“As you think, so shall you become.”

–Bruce Lee

“Pain is inevitable, but mis­ery is optional. We can­not avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.”

–Tim Hansel

crossfit class 107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“A man who finds no sat­is­fac­tion in him­self will seek for it in vain elsewhere.”

–La Rochefou­cauld

“The cre­ation of a thou­sand forests is in one acorn.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The price of any­thing is the amount of life you exchange for it.”


“A man is but the prod­uct of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

–Mahatma Gandhi

“Here is the test to find whether your mis­sion on Earth is fin­ished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.”

–Richard Bach

“Cross­Fit is like fine art – cri­tiqued by many but under­stood by few”


“Strength does not come from phys­i­cal capac­ity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

–Mahatma Gandhi

“Moti­va­tion will almost always beat mere talent.”

–Nor­man R. Augustine

“Abil­ity is what you’re capa­ble of doing. Moti­va­tion deter­mines what you do. Atti­tude deter­mines how well you do it.”

–Lou Holtz

“Moti­va­tion is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

–Jim Ryan

“The secret of get­ting ahead is get­ting started.”

–Mark Twain

“One of the great­est moments in life is real­iz­ing that two weeks ago your body couldn’t do what it just did.
“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”

–George Elliot

“If you always put limit on every­thing you do, phys­i­cal or any­thing else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits.”

–Bruce Lee

Box CrossFit Elite 6 107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“Strong peo­ple are harder to kill, and more use­ful in general”

–Mark Rip­petoe

“Pain is tem­po­rary. Quit­ting lasts forever.”

–Lance Arm­strong

“No mat­ter who you are, no mat­ter what you do, you absolutely, pos­i­tively do have the power to change.”

–Bill Phillips

“Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let every­one know that you have a reserve in your­self; that you have more power than you are now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it.”

—James A. Garfield

“The first wealth is health”


“The man who can drive him­self fur­ther once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.”

–Roger Ban­nis­ter

“A cre­ative man is moti­vated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.”

–Ayn Rand

“It is amaz­ing what you can accom­plish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

–Harry Tru­man

“Get com­fort­able with being uncomfortable!”

- Crys­tal Nelson

Box CrossFit Elite 107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”

–Jim Rohn

“Eat pro­tein, veg­gies, and some fat with every meal. Exer­cise smart. Sleep at least 8 hours a night in a dark­ened room. The only thing I would add to this pre­scrip­tion would be to: Stop tak­ing your­self so seri­ously, laugh a lot, cry when you need to, hug more, make love more, and play until you are fall-down-tired.”

- Robb Wolf

“Moti­va­tion is a fire from within.If some­one else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly”

–Stephen R. Covey

“Show me a per­son who doesn’t make mis­takes and I’ll show you a per­son who doesn’t do anything.”

–Leonard Rubino

“Today I will do what oth­ers won’t, so tomor­row I can accom­plish what oth­ers can’t.”

–Jerry Rice

“In the end, it’s not about the guys on the podium, but the ones who give it their all. That is what inspires peo­ple. Not a place, but watch­ing some­one just pour their heart and soul out into something.”

— Chris Spealler”

“Falling down is how we grow. Stay­ing down is how we die.”

–Brian Vaszily

“Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count, really count.”

–Albert Ein­stein

“It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.”

–Henry Ward Beecher

“He who can­not for­give oth­ers destroys a bridge over which he him­self must pass.”

–George Her­bert

“Suf­fer the pain of dis­ci­pline or suf­fer the pain of regret!”

- Unknown

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”

–E.E. Cum­mings

“In order to be effec­tive truth must pen­e­trate like an arrow — and that is likely to hurt.”

–Wei Wu Wei

“Act as if what you do makes a dif­fer­ence. It does.”

- William James

“It’s not what hap­pens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

- Epicte­tus

“There are no secrets to suc­cess. It is the result of prepa­ra­tion, hard work, and learn­ing form failure.”

- Colin Pow­ell, U.S. Sec­re­tary of State

“Strength does not come from win­ning. Your strug­gles develop your strength. When you over­come hard­ships, that is strength.”

–Arnold Schwarzen­neg­ger

“The wish for heal­ing has always been half of health.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Do the right thing. It will grat­ify some peo­ple and aston­ish the rest.”

- Mark Twain

“Laws con­trol the lesser man… Right con­duct con­trols the greater one.”

–Mark Twain

“Adver­sity causes some men to break, and oth­ers to break records.”

- Source Unknown

“Nowhere can man find a qui­eter or more untrou­bled retreat than in his own soul.”

- Mar­cus Aurelius

“The key to immor­tal­ity is first liv­ing a life worth remembering.”

–Bruce Lee

Box CrossFit Elite 27 107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“To be your­self in a world that is con­stantly try­ing to make you some­thing else is the great­est accomplishment.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The sooner you accept pain as part of life, you truly become alive.”


“If one does not know to which port one is sail­ing, no wind is favorable.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Many men go fish­ing all of their lives with­out know­ing that it is not fish they are after.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“Go con­fi­dently in the direc­tion of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny mat­ters com­pared to what lives within us.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“No man was ever wise by chance.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Get­ting com­fort­able with being uncomfortable!”

- Crys­tal Nelson

“A man can­not be com­fort­able with­out his own approval.”

–Mark Twain

“If thy brother wrongs thee, remem­ber not so much his wrong-doing, but more than ever that he is thy brother.”


“There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no hap­pi­ness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“If one over­steps the bounds of mod­er­a­tion, the great­est plea­sures cease to please.”


“The pres­sure of adver­sity does not affect the mind of the brave man. It is more pow­er­ful than exter­nal circumstances.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Noth­ing goes by luck in com­po­si­tion. It allows of no tricks. The best you can write will be the best you are.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“There are only two options regard­ing com­mit­ment, You’re either in or your out. There’s no such thing as life in between.”


“To give any less than your best is to sac­ri­fice a gift”

–Steve Pre­fontaine

“A wise man should con­sider that health is the great­est of human bless­ings, and learn how by his own thought to derive ben­e­fit from his illnesses.”


“Suf­fer the pain of dis­ci­pline or suf­fer the pain of regret!”

- Unknown

“Unless you try to do some­thing beyond what you have already mas­tered, you will never grow.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be use­ful to you”

- Ovid

“Very lit­tle is needed to make a happy life; it is all within your­self, in your way of thinking.”

–Mar­cus Aurelius

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

–Lena Horne, Singer

“To know one­self is to study one­self in action with another person.”

–Bruce Lee

“Most pow­er­ful is he who has him­self in his own power.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Just remem­ber this: No one ever won the olive wreath with an impres­sive train­ing diary.”

- Marty Liquori

“Appar­ently there is noth­ing that can­not hap­pen today.”

–Mark Twain

“The dif­fer­ence between the impos­si­ble and the pos­si­ble lies in a person’s determination.”

- Tommy Lasorda

“To know even one life has breathed eas­ier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We are more often fright­ened than hurt; and we suf­fer more from imag­i­na­tion than from reality.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.”

–Rus­sel Warren

“You have power over your mind — not out­side events. Real­ize this, and you will find strength.”

–Mar­cus Aurelius

“The surest way to fail is not to deter­mine to succeed”

–Richard Sheri­den

“It takes more than just a good look­ing body. You’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it.”


Box CrossFit Elite 24 107 Motivational Quotes for Kicking Ass in Life and The Gym

“We must use time wisely and for­ever real­ize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

- Nel­son Mandela

“To be angry is to revenge the faults of oth­ers on ourselves.”

–Alexan­der Pope

“I know of no more encour­ag­ing fact than the unques­tion­able abil­ity of man to ele­vate his life by con­scious endeavor.”

 -Henry David Thoreau

“The two pow­ers which in my opin­ion con­sti­tute a wise man are those of bear­ing and forbearing.”


“The time is always right to do what is right.”

- Mar­tin Luther King, Jr.

“To hell with cir­cum­stances; I cre­ate opportunities.”

–Bruce Lee

“Wealth is the abil­ity to fully expe­ri­ence life.”

–Henry David Thoreau

“Our great­est weak­ness lies in giv­ing up. The most cer­tain way to suc­ceed is always to try just one more time.”

–Thomas A. Edison

“Let us train our minds to desire what the sit­u­a­tion demands.”

–Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play bet­ter than any­one else.”

–Albert Ein­stein

"Greasy" WOD


Double Unders

Weighted Walking Lunges @35/25lb Plate


For Time:


Kettlebell Swings @2/1.5 pood

Burpee Pullups

Cash Out

25 Hip Extensions

25 Wall Ball Shots @10/9'

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top 10 Excuses for Not Joining the Open

Excuse (n): a note explaining an absence

10. "I don't know what the workouts are."

Yeah, that’s the point. Nobody does until they’re announced.

9. "I'm not good enough."

Enough, Froning. We go through this every year.

8. "My goals don't match the Open."

Getting fit isn’t your goal?

7. "I don't have $20."

Sure. Let me hold your latte while you text on your iPhone about your lunch date.

6. "I'm too busy." 

Understandable. You need to save all your time for watching that Sons of Anarchy marathon. Priorities.

5. "I'm scared."

We all are. There’s a support group for fear. We meet at the box … and do the Open workouts.

4. "Everyone who does the Open dies."

Um, not true.

3. "My cat is lonely."


2. "I'm not competitive."

Tell me again why you joined a fitness program with timed workouts and Leaderboards?

1. "I like to work out naked."

Video the workouts. We’ll review them. Carefully. Trust me on this one.

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Mad Maddy" WOD


5x5 Squats @185/115lbs

5x5 Wall Climbs


3 rounds For Time:

20 Hand Release Pushups

10 Power Cleans @135/95lbs


3 Rep Max


"Slowly progress from 185lbs until you reach a 3 Rep Max."

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Tail Pipe" WOD


3x5 Close Wall Squats

3x15 Air Squats

3x10 Kettlebell Squats

2x10 Pushups

2x10 Proper Pushups

1:00 min Man Makers

Partner WOD

3 Rounds for Time: NO REST

Partner #1 will Hold 2 Kettlebells in the Front Rack Position while Partner #2 Rows 250 meters.  After Partner completes Rowing, the two will switch places.  Each Partner should performed each exercise 3 times.

Cool Down

4x30/30 Frog Jumps

4x30/30 Dumbbell Push Press

4x30/30 Split Jumps

300 sec (5Min) Plank

"30/30 means 30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds of rest."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Exercise of the Week - Inverted Burpees



Burgener Warmup

Double Unders


3 Rounds

Row 500m

5 Clapping Pushups

10 Jumping Front Kicks (R)

15 Squats

20 Elbow Strikes (R)

25 Inverted Burpees

20 Elbow Strikes (L)

15 Squats

10 Jumping Front Kicks (L)

5 Clapping Pushups

Row 500m

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


"The Buffet" WOD


The Burgener Warmup


3 rds; 10-15 reps/seconds

Samson Stretch

Overhead Squat w/dowel or empty bar

GHD Situps

Hip Extensions


Ring Dips

"All exercises should be performed slowly for stretching and proper technique to be achieved, this is not the workout."


20 Plate to Chest Squats @45/25lb plate

20 Kettlebell Swings

20 Situps

20 Box Jumps

20 Supermans

20 Dumbbell Thrusters

20 Leg Raises

20 Hand Release Pushups

20 Wall Ball Shots

20 Burpees

20 Over Head Squat w/Plate @45/25lbs

20 Grasshoppers

20 Jumping Pullups

Danny Broflex: Episode 4 - The Booth

Danny Broflex: Episode 5 - The Game of Chess

Monday, February 3, 2014

Rhabdomyolysis: What You Need To Know--By: Abi Reiland

CrossFit is associated with intensity, athleticism, and pushing boundaries. Unfortunately, CrossFit is sometimes also associated with Rhabdomyolsis. Any athlete (and really any person) is susceptible to rhabdo, and any CrossFitter should consider themselves an athlete. Rhabdo is not common, but the potential always exists, so we want to be sure you’re armed with the information you need to be proactive.
What Is Rhabdo?
Rhabdo is the breakdown of muscle tissue (at a more rapid and extreme pace than is typical with normal activity), resulting in damaged cells entering the bloodstream. Common symptoms might include tenderness, pain, weakness, and swelling of the targeted area. The myoglobin protein is a component of those damaged cells and is harmful to the kidney. Typically, when the myoglobin is significant enough to have a detrimental affect, an individual might notice darker-than-usual urine 12–24 hours after the initial damage occurred. In addition, the changes in the bloodstream can affect electrolytes, which sometimes causes symptoms like nausea or vomiting.

Having said that, the best way to diagnose rhabdo is through creatine kinase (an enzyme released by damaged muscle tissue) blood testing. It’s not uncommon for concentrations to be 100,000 U/I, and those concentrations rise over the first 12 hours then often remain elevated for 1–3 days, depleting steadily after hitting peak. In most cases, individuals are treated with IV fluids to prevent myoglobin deposits in the kidney and neutralize the bloodstream. Treatment does not immediately reverse affects, so individuals must consult their doctor for acceptable activity during the recovery period. Although warning signs like tenderness and weakness might be common after a difficult workout, it’s important to pay close attention to your body and address anything abnormal like swelling or uncommon pains.

Why Does Rhabdo Occur?
Rhabdo is typically associated with strenuous exercise and overuse, infections, crush injuries, elevated or reduced sodium levels, low potassium, unusually high or low body temperature, particular medications and dehydration (or a combination of factors). But even hereditary muscle conditions (people are often unaware of) can leave some individuals at greater risk and prone to rhabdo. Working out with a killer hangover often means severe dehydration. And in combination with a really challenging workout with high repetitions targeting the same muscles, that extreme muscle breakdown can occur. Other times, recovering from an illness and coming back to the gym too soon and going too hard, can certainly lend a hand in developing issues. So exhibit some caution.  When you’re feeling healthy and well, challenge yourself but be sure you’re listening to your body.  And when you’re not feeling great, scale or modify your workout accordingly.  Following really strenuous workouts, it’s a good idea to rest and recover, and again, note any abnormal physical reactions.

How is Rhabdo Prevented?
There’s no guaranteed way to avoid rhabdo, but keeping yourself healthy is a good place to start. Stay hydrated, develop body awareness, and when in doubt, exhibit some caution. If it’s super hot outside remember that you may need to lighten up a bit. If you’re still recovering from a bug, ease back into things until you’re feeling 100%. And when it comes to new movements, you’ll work new muscles so just exhibit some accountability when it comes to your limitations.

Although the creepy CrossFit clown character pokes fun at rhabdo, it’s something that athletes should be educated and informed about. It’s a condition that if left untreated can produce very serious health problems and can begin with something as simple as soreness and swelling. Get in tune with your body and know the red flags. Follow any activity that seems more taxing than most with caution. And let yourself recover. It’s not always about the whiteboard and the clock and personal records, so don’t feel silly slimming a workout down when you think it’s necessary. Sometimes it’s OK to just get through it at a more comfortable pace and scale to allow your body its much-deserved rest and relaxation.

Abi Reiland Owner / Trainer CrossFit 8035

"Puke It Out" WOD


5x5 Power Snatch @115/85lbs


5 Rounds For Time:

25 Air Squats

7 Toes To Bar

10 Hanging Power Cleans @135/95lbs

Cash Out

1 minute Row for Max Meters

The Werewolf Diet: Eating To Lunar Calendar Helps You Lose 6 Pounds In 24 Hours, Claims Say-- By Lizette Borreli

The latest fad diet may have you howling on a full or new moon. The werewolf diet, also known as the lunar diet, reportedly followed by A-list celebrities Madonna and Demi Moore, helps dieters shed 6 lbs. in just 24 hours on a full or new moon, Yahoo Entertainment Singapore reported. But does the latest Hollywood craze have merit or does it fall short on the truth scale?

The Moon And Its Effect On Water Weight, According To Claims

The moon diet plan is based on the known effects the moon has on the earth’s oceans and rivers with its gravitational pull. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are in alignment during a new or full moon, there is a change in the atmospheric pressure and movement of the water. On these days, Christian Dyuraffur, president of the International Federation of Phyto and Aromatherapy says, the shift in atmospheric pressure has an effect on our metabolism, which allows for a faster removal of fat and toxins from the body.
Dyuraffur states at full moon, “the water from intercellular spaces to move inside cells and change in the reverse process occurs: the water to move out of the cells of the tissues.” This diet aims to expel toxins from the body, thereby ridding you of water weight, and to stimulate the process of lipolysis — the decomposition of fat stored in cells. It claims to stimulate the organism by helping it use the enzymes that are vital for breaking down food and absorbing its nutrients.

The Two Moon Diet Plans

There are two moon diet plans for weight loss hopefuls who wish to pursue this diet trend. While there are several variations of the diet, they generally involve a liquid cleanse a few days of the month; either during a full moon, new moon, or beginning of a moon phase. Choosing to diet on one or all of these days may reduce cravings, says

The Basic Moon Diet Plan

Like its name suggests, this plan solely consists of a 24-hour fasting period in which only liquids such as water and juice are consumed. Dieters must do this cleanse during either the full moon or the new moon. Moon Connection claims the first 24 hours are crucial for the cleansing of toxins, where people can lose up to 6 lbs. of their water weight. Spring, boiled, and mineral water are best, but fresh juices also have diuretic properties.

The Extended Moon Diet Plan

In this diet plan, all phases of the moon are covered — full moon, waning moon, new moon, and waxing moon. The first phase is a replica of the basic moon diet that follows the fasting procedure described above. The second phase — the waning moon — is the period where the moon “encourages detoxification and the flushing of any extra water from the body,” while reducing the body’s cravings and maintaining weight loss, according to Moon Connection. Dieters are advised to drink about eight glasses of water each day of the waning moon, along with eating solid foods.
The third phase — the new moon — is known to have a great influence on the body. During the new moon, dieters must follow the same plan as they did on the full moon — fluids only — and no consumption of solid food. Metabolism-boosting green tea is considered to maximize this phase’s cleansing influence.
Lastly, the waxing moon period is where dieter’s food cravings tend to increase. During this phase, weight loss hopefuls are advised to be extra mindful of avoiding sweets and fats. Drinking fluids between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. reportedly helps you feel fuller and control any cravings that may strike in the evening before going to bed. However, eating after 6 p.m. is not recommended.

The Moon Diet: Is There Any Scientific Basis?

The link between the moon and our bodies is not completely understood by scientists. However, our moods and emotions tend to rise when there is a full moon and can yield several outcomes that affect our health. According to a study published in the journal Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, patients who have heart surgery during a full moon, specifically acute aortic dissection (AAD), could reduce their hospital stay and boost their survival rate. In this instance, environmental effects on surgeries, such as AAD, can provide a better understanding of how rhythms of seasons and lunar cycles affect our overall health.
Furthermore, women are thought to have a connection with the moon, based on their menstrual cycles. British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Jeanette Crosland, told the Daily Mail, “There may be some evidence that fluid retention occurs at some points in the menstrual cycle, and therefore at other points in the cycle this fluid will reduce. However not every female will be at the same point in her cycle when a full moon occurs.”
The werewolf diet may result in weight loss because it is a diet based on fasting for several short periods, but it leads to a loss in excess body fat, not water. Detox diets are popular, but not scientifically proven, says the Mayo Clinic, with some diets aiming to do colon cleansing to empty the intestines of toxins. The clinic suggests the supposed benefits from a detox diet could simply come from avoiding highly processed foods loaded with solid fats and sugar. Dieters are advised to consult with their doctor before checking the lunar calendar.

Fitness Tips

Three Personal Trainers' Resolutions to Inspire You

Do personal trainers think resolutions are worth making? What do they resolve to change in themselves? We asked three trainers how they seek continual self-improvement, which is always a priority even if you're not trying to lose weight.

“Every December I list three or four big-picture goals and map a plan to achieve them one by one over the course of the year. I like to include both business goals (like earn a training certification in a new method, or do a really challenging climb or race) and personal milestones (like learning a new language). I challenge myself to make these goals very pie in the sky. The first time I did that, I thought, ‘These are too hard to achieve,’ but then I achieved all of them and it was extremely gratifying. Dream big!”
– Sean B.

“I resolve every year to refocus on why I really became a personal trainer — to help people get and stay healthier and happier, not just physically change their appearance. As a trainer I find that recommitting to this resolution every year inspires me to be a real change agent for my clients. To do that, you have to really believe in the fact that you’re not just creating workout regimens for people. Gyms were originally known as ‘health clubs,’ and health is the larger goal for most clients, even if they come in to lose weight.”
– Chris S.

“I avoid making resolutions simply for the sake of it because that feels arbitrary to me. Instead, I set specific goals when I notice that I need to improve in a particular area. For example, at certain age milestones in life, the body naturally tends to lose muscle mass. I adjust my training regimen accordingly, so I can continue maintaining the physical abilities I want to have for the activities I enjoy, as well as the healthy weight where I feel best.”
– Karen L.