Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Tail Pipe" WOD


3x5 Close Wall Squats

3x15 Air Squats

3x10 Kettlebell Squats

2x10 Pushups

2x10 Proper Pushups

1:00 min Man Makers

Partner WOD

3 Rounds for Time: NO REST

Partner #1 will Hold 2 Kettlebells in the Front Rack Position while Partner #2 Rows 250 meters.  After Partner completes Rowing, the two will switch places.  Each Partner should performed each exercise 3 times.

Cool Down

4x30/30 Frog Jumps

4x30/30 Dumbbell Push Press

4x30/30 Split Jumps

300 sec (5Min) Plank

"30/30 means 30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds of rest."

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