Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Built by Bergeron" WOD

7 min AMRAP for Metcon

1.  Metcon
Wall Balls @20/14lbs
EMOM complete 5 Deadlifts @225/155
Start with the wall balls.  Score is number of wall balls complete in 7 minutes.

2.  Pulls
5x5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts @205/185lbs

3.  Odd Objects/Movements 
50 1-arm DB Snatch (Choose a heavier DB)
25 each Arm

4.  Core
A.  5x20 Alternating 1-arm Ring Extensions (10 each arm)
B.  5x10 Double Ring Extension

5.  Skills
3x30 unbroken Box Jumps @24/20"
Take as little rest between sets as possible.  If you miss or can't rebound a rep you must start that set over.

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