Sunday, December 29, 2013

"Squat Kicker" WOD


Double Unders

Side to Side Lunges


10 min AMRAP

8 Squat High Kicks

8 Dumbbell Thrusters

12 pace Walking Lunges


5 Rounds: 1 minute rds: 1 minute Est between rds.

Round 1: Jab/Cross Punches

Round 2: L/R Hook Punches

Round 3: L/R Upper Cut Punches

Round 4: L/R Roundhouse Kicks

Round 5: Full Combos

Post AB Workout

10 min: 1 min each exercise


Heel Touch

Lying Plank

L/R Side Crunch

L/R Straight Arm Side Plank

Friday, December 27, 2013

"Friday Killa" WOD


Double Unders

Side to Side Lunges

Focused Stretching


5 Rounds for Time:

10 reps Deadlift @225/195lbs

50 Crunches

20 Kettlebell Cleans (10 each Arm)

50 Crunches

10 Burpees

10 Kettlebell Swings


5 Rounds: 1 minute  AMRAP: 1 minute Rest between Rounds

"Try and Utilize a Heavy Bag or Muy Thai Bag if possible??"

Round 1: 
Left/Right Straight Punches
10 Burpees

Round 2:
Left/Right Cross Punches
10 Burpees

Round 3:
Left/Right Roundhouse Kicks
10 Burpees

Round 4:
Left/Right Punch Combos
10 Burpess

Round 5:
Various Combos (Punches and Kicks)
10 Burpees

CrossFit Firefight

Tuesday, December 24, 2013



Double Unders

Walking Lunges

Jump Squats


For Time:

Row 500m

5 Clapping Pushups

10 Right Jumping Front Kicks

15 Air Squats

20 Right Elbow Strikes

25 Burpees

20 Left Elbow Strikes

15 Air Squats

10 Left Jumping Front Kicks

5 Clapping Pushups

Row 500m

Sunday, December 22, 2013

"Are you strong enough?" WOD


Double Unders

Walking Lunges

Focused Stretching


5 Rounds for Time



Dumbbell Chest Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Raise



100 Jab/Cross Punches

90 Knee Strikes

80 Elbow Strikes

70 Air Squats

60 Situps

50 Round Kicks

40 Pushups

30 Front Kicks

20 Pullups

10 Burpees

Friday, December 20, 2013

"Terminator" WOD


Double Unders

Walking Lunges

Jump Squats


5 Rounds for Time:

10 reps Kettlebell Swings

10 reps Kettlebell Cleans "5 reps Each arm"

10 reps Seated Dumbbell Press

10 reps Dumbbell Curls

10 Burpees

100 Crunches


1 min Heavy Bag Straight Punches

10 Burpees

1 min Heavy Bag Cross Punches

10 Burpees

1 min Heavy Bag Combo Punches

10 Burpees

1 min Low Roundhouse Kicks

10 Burpees

1 min Heavy Bag Straight/High Kicks

10 Burpees

Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Slingin' Bones" WOD


Double Unders

Jumping Lunges


10 min Sauna w/stretching

5 min Heavy Bag Punches

25 Air Squats


10 min Sauna w/stretching

5 min Have Bag Knee/Kick Combos

30 Jack Knife Crunches


10 min Sauna w/stretching

5 min Heavy Bag Combos

35 Pushups

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Great Paleo Diet Hoax: By Dave Parise

The Paleo diet has taken the fitness industry by storm. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a fitness expert who hasn’t drunk the “Paleo Kool-Aid”.

Is this love affair with Paleo due to its incredible effectiveness? Or is it just another bandwagon that so many people can’t resist jumping on? Read on to find out the truth!

For those of you who don’t know, the Paleo diet is based on the hunter/gatherer style of eating.  Put simply, this diet calls for copious amounts of meat and vegetables with a small amount of fruit.
The Paleo diet is essentially a low-carb diet that emphasizes the consumption of whole, natural, and unprocessed foods. Additionally, it requires the omission of dairy, sweeteners, modern oils (such as canola oil), and soy.

Most Paleo practitioners recommend eating only organic produce. They also recommend consuming free-range animals that were never treated with antibiotics or hormones.

The principles of this diet are definitely sound and will benefit those interested in losing fat, controlling blood sugar and blood lipid levels, decreasing systemic inflammation, and improving digestion.

However, the problem (or The Great Hoax) of Paleo dieting does not lie in its principles. The problem is in its application.

You see, lately, many “experts” have been hailing the Paleo diet as the best muscle-building diet since sliced bread. This assertion is simply untrue. Here’s why:

"I wonder when this Paleo Diet will start kicking in"?
One of the most important components of a good muscle-building diet is clean carbohydrate intake.
Sorry guys, but a little low glycemic fruit here and there isn’t going to get you jacked.
In order to build muscle effectively, you NEED to eat some carbs. And I don’t care if cavemen ate them or not.

There are two main reasons why carbohydrate intake is critical to building muscle: insulin and glycogen.

Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Its muscle-building effect comes from the following:
a) Inhibition of excess muscle breakdown
b) Transport of nutrients into muscle cells
c) Synthesis of protein in the muscles

Glycogen, on the other hand, is stored carbohydrates in your muscles (and liver).
Glycogen gives your muscles a readily available source of energy. Your ability to train intensely is directly proportional to the amount of glycogen stored in your body. So fill ‘em up!

Additionally, when your glycogen stores are optimal, your muscles appear full. Believe me, this is much better than the “flat and depleted” look that is so common among uninformed, no-carb dieters.
Do I have proof of this? Yes I do! 25 years’ worth, to be exact.

In fact, recently, I had a pair of Paleo practitioners come in to see me for a consultation. They were well read, hard working training partners who were struggling to build muscle.

They couldn’t figure out why they weren’t experiencing better results since their training was dialed in and they were on such a “perfect” diet.

After five minutes of analyzing their journals, I understood why they weren’t experiencing great muscle-building results: they were following a strict Paleo diet.

They were somewhat shocked when I pointed my finger at their diet as the muscle-inhibiting culprit.
They put up a good fight at first, but I was finally able to convince them to include some Paleo “forbidden” foods in their meal plan.

Before long, they started noticeably building muscle and increasing strength. In fact, in just six weeks they gained four and 2 pounds of muscle respectively. 

These results may seem impressive, but the truth is that they were highly predictable.

The point is that if you’ve been eating a low carb diet for a while, adding some carbs into your meal plan could do wonders for your muscle and strength.

So don’t be afraid to consume some forbidden carbohydrates. Regardless of the “prehistoric man” argument, these so-called deadly foods will not kill you. In fact, they will help you build a lot of muscle quickly.

Crossfit and Isagenix: By Jennifer Schultz

If a Crossfitter is interested in getting rid of that "puffy layer" that's hiding all of the hard earned muscle and striation, then Isagenix is the answer.

Cleaning and the dense nutrition Isagenix supplements offer are a must for any athlete.  The results that our professional athletes are getting from our product systems are hands down undeniable.

For an athlete to have products that are not refined, yet full of raw nutrients shipped in from various regions of the world and carefully placed into a container for convenience, is what they've been waiting for.

The thing is, is that it's a mental game with WODs and athletes when it comes to cleansing. One might think taking off 2 days in a row to deep cleanse would set them back but it doesn't. 2-day cleanses allows the body to massively dejunk, which is important for athletes as they have more toxic byproduct from workouts and muscle shedding, plus the increased exposure to environmental pollutants, plus the increased amount of oxidative stress.

Cleansing not only addresses the above mentioned, but cleans house, allowing the body to absorb nutrients better for faster recovery and better results.

Day 2 in a 2-day cleanse is the magical day, more deep cleansing is accomplished plus hgh is at it's highest which is critical for youthful aging and a stellar physique.

A Crossfitters dream regime is---------

Paleo meals

Eating every 2 hours

2-3 IsaLean shakes each day-
-1 of those shakes 30 minutes post WOD no exceptions.
-Remember our IsaLean is a "zone Paleo" shake- 40-30-30 whereas the IsaLean Pro is modified for more protein, a must for guys!

AEDP with B-
-Each omega soft gel is equal to 12 other soft gels on the market and is huge for internal lubing and a natural anti-inflammitory
-Mass amounts of antioxidants to combat oxidative stress
-Product B to increase vitality and youthfulness- athletes are PR'ing with just Prod B like never before

-2-4 oz per day-Major contributor to increased stamina, energy and performance

Nightly CFL-
-Daily dejunking like a light house dusting.  Great for pre-competition.

9-day deep cleanse-
-When they feel it's time deep cleansing
-Minimum every 3 months
-Great for post competition

Mutli Enzyme Complex-
-For all Paleo cooked meals

Greens and IsaFruits-
-Helps oxygenate the body better
-Again, needed antioxidants without all the sugar
-Cold pressed and extracted

Maybe the e+
-Depending on how strict the Crossfitter is.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Gold Lion" WOD


Double Unders

Chest to Bar Pullups


5x5 Back Squats @205/135lbs

5x5 Bench Press @205/155lbs

3x30 Reverse Hypers


4x750m: 1 min Rest between rounds


Ab Mat Situps @50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps

"Work on Pistols"

Reverse Hypers

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Constantly Varied Kitchen: Roasted Beef Tenderloin With Port-Wine Reduction

"Janga Rai" WOD


Double Unders

Walking Lunges


30 Situps

30 Deadlifts @185/135lbs

30 Pushups

300 Meter Row

30 Box Jumps

30 Kettlebell Eye Level Swings

30 Grasshoppers

30 Air Squats

30 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks

Cool Down

Focused Stretching

Thursday, December 12, 2013

K-Drama - Get Your Weight Up (Typography Remix)

"Crossfit the Den" WOD

Got this from my buddy's Box (Crossfit the Den).  Awesome WOD Austin Stack.


Double Unders

Walking Lunges

Air Squats


2 Person Partner WOD 
 Example: teammate one does 2 squat cleans drops the bar and teammate two does 2 squat cleans…back and forth for as many sets as possible in 5 mins.  Continue that same style for the rest of the work out.

5 min AMRAP

2 Squat Cleans @185/135lbs

"2 minute REST"

5 min AMRAP

5 Shoulders to Overhead @185/135lbs

"2 minute REST"

5 min AMRAP

10 Deadlifts @185/135lbs

**REMEMBER**  There is absolutely nothing wrong with Scaling back the weight to achieve maximum and proper form and technique.  

Post WOD

3 Rounds

10 Jack Knife Crunches
10 Hands over Knees Crunches


1 minute Wall Sit


10 Extreme Wide Arm Pushups
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Lazy Boy" WOD


Double Unders

Walking Lunges


3 rounds for Time:

25 Squats

7 Toes to Bar

10 Hanging Power Cleans @135/115lbs

Post WOD

3 rounds

10 Jack Knife Crunches
10 Hands over Knees Crunches


1 minute Wall Sit


10 Wide Arm Pushups
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Lift This" WOD


Double Unders

Overhead Walking Lunges @45/25lb Plate


5 Rounds

5 reps Bench Press @220/190lbs

5 reps Overhead Walking Lunge @135/115lb Barbell

5 Reps Back Squat @220/190lb

Post WOD

3 rounds

10 Jack Knife Crunches
10 Hands Over Knees Crunches


10 "L" Pullups
10 Toes to Bar


10 Elevated Pushups
10 Dumbbell Push Press