Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Crossfit the Den" WOD

Got this from my buddy's Box (Crossfit the Den).  Awesome WOD Austin Stack.


Double Unders

Walking Lunges

Air Squats


2 Person Partner WOD 
 Example: teammate one does 2 squat cleans drops the bar and teammate two does 2 squat cleans…back and forth for as many sets as possible in 5 mins.  Continue that same style for the rest of the work out.

5 min AMRAP

2 Squat Cleans @185/135lbs

"2 minute REST"

5 min AMRAP

5 Shoulders to Overhead @185/135lbs

"2 minute REST"

5 min AMRAP

10 Deadlifts @185/135lbs

**REMEMBER**  There is absolutely nothing wrong with Scaling back the weight to achieve maximum and proper form and technique.  

Post WOD

3 Rounds

10 Jack Knife Crunches
10 Hands over Knees Crunches


1 minute Wall Sit


10 Extreme Wide Arm Pushups
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls

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