Monday, December 16, 2013

Crossfit and Isagenix: By Jennifer Schultz

If a Crossfitter is interested in getting rid of that "puffy layer" that's hiding all of the hard earned muscle and striation, then Isagenix is the answer.

Cleaning and the dense nutrition Isagenix supplements offer are a must for any athlete.  The results that our professional athletes are getting from our product systems are hands down undeniable.

For an athlete to have products that are not refined, yet full of raw nutrients shipped in from various regions of the world and carefully placed into a container for convenience, is what they've been waiting for.

The thing is, is that it's a mental game with WODs and athletes when it comes to cleansing. One might think taking off 2 days in a row to deep cleanse would set them back but it doesn't. 2-day cleanses allows the body to massively dejunk, which is important for athletes as they have more toxic byproduct from workouts and muscle shedding, plus the increased exposure to environmental pollutants, plus the increased amount of oxidative stress.

Cleansing not only addresses the above mentioned, but cleans house, allowing the body to absorb nutrients better for faster recovery and better results.

Day 2 in a 2-day cleanse is the magical day, more deep cleansing is accomplished plus hgh is at it's highest which is critical for youthful aging and a stellar physique.

A Crossfitters dream regime is---------

Paleo meals

Eating every 2 hours

2-3 IsaLean shakes each day-
-1 of those shakes 30 minutes post WOD no exceptions.
-Remember our IsaLean is a "zone Paleo" shake- 40-30-30 whereas the IsaLean Pro is modified for more protein, a must for guys!

AEDP with B-
-Each omega soft gel is equal to 12 other soft gels on the market and is huge for internal lubing and a natural anti-inflammitory
-Mass amounts of antioxidants to combat oxidative stress
-Product B to increase vitality and youthfulness- athletes are PR'ing with just Prod B like never before

-2-4 oz per day-Major contributor to increased stamina, energy and performance

Nightly CFL-
-Daily dejunking like a light house dusting.  Great for pre-competition.

9-day deep cleanse-
-When they feel it's time deep cleansing
-Minimum every 3 months
-Great for post competition

Mutli Enzyme Complex-
-For all Paleo cooked meals

Greens and IsaFruits-
-Helps oxygenate the body better
-Again, needed antioxidants without all the sugar
-Cold pressed and extracted

Maybe the e+
-Depending on how strict the Crossfitter is.

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