Sunday, July 14, 2013

10 Mental Performance Tips for CrossFitters By Dawn Fletcher

mental_performace_tipsSport Psychology for Elite Fitness

Figure out what exactly motivates you & embrace the hell out of it. Write it down and share it with others. Constantly remind yourself what motivates you.
Have some goals, mostly short-term; performance oriented ones that can be measured. “I want to finish Annie in under 7 minutes by May”
Smile and laugh, more often. This isn’t war; it is simply playing with odd objects with your friends. Enjoy it.
Implement deep, diaphragmatic breaths throughout your training. When everyone else is struggling to recover…you will be controlling your flow of oxygen.
Have an optimistic mindset. Really, what benefit is it to be negative? Or to speak negatively to yourself?  – “I have prepared myself and I am going to crush this Deadlift”
Focus on the movement/skill at hand. In that moment pick a cue word, reducing the complexity.   “UP”  “SHRUG”  “HIPS”   “POP”
Keep notes in your journal about how you felt that day. Areas to improve on and strengths from that WOD.
After a max effort, your form is a little ugly (or really ugly). When you’re done…strip the weight (most of it or all of it) and knock out 3 perfect, clean reps. Then go high-five someone.
Spend some time prepping your mind before or during warm-up. Set your intentions. “Why am I here? What do I want to accomplish today?”
Seek coaching. Ask questions and grab some individual sessions; be open to tips and advice.

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