Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Have you mastered 100 or so single jumps and are ready to tackle the Double-Under?
Understanding the basics of Core to Extremity will help you achieve max rep efforts and unbroken sets. You’ll need to learn to use your large muscle groups for stability and support while using smaller muscle groups to jump and flick the rope. It may be a good idea to grab a partner or use a mirror to keep your form.
The Basics
Start with singles. Jump on the balls of your feet. Squeeze your legs together (create a pole with you lower body) and keep your arms close to your body. Remember, your wrists will do the flicking, not your arms.
What to Do 
After keeping good form for a few singles, try the number system: 1-2-3 and 4. Jump low for the first three jumps and high on the fourth. Don’t worry about double flicking the rope. Double-unders are as much about getting the rope under your feet twice as they are about how high you jump and rebound off the floor. Try jumping low on 1-2-3 and high on 4 until you can jump without landing on your heels.
Next, jump 1-2-3 low and 4 high, but this time add the double flick of the wrist. With enough practice, you’ll get it.
Form, coordination and timing are everything. Jump on the balls of your feet. Keep a neutral chin, abs tight, butt tight, and legs tight acting as one.
Play with the number system. Maybe try 5 low jumps with 1 high jump or 2 low jumps and 1 high jump plus the double flick.
Practice makes perfect. Keep practicing and you’ll have your double-under in no time.

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