Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Training when you don't want to" by Bull Brumels

Everyone has those days when you just don't feel it or you try and go hard but the energy isn't there.  So what do you do?  Give up or give in?

There are many ways to avoid this by doing a slew of activities or scaling back so you just don't quit altogether.  Random REST DAYS can be an answer.  Even the toughest of Crossfitters like Rich Froning Jr. or Jason Khalipa have off days to an extent.  You can't be a beast 24/7.

So let's discuss some alternate ways of not giving in or up.

  • Try scaling back the weight or reps.
  • Incorporate a longer slower workout.
  • Go for a long easy paced run, elliptical, or hike.
  • Change it up a bit from doing the regular WOD to swimming, biking, or playing sports of some kind.
These are just a few ways of fighting that urger to give up or give in.  I personally try to get to the gym as often as possible unless my job dictates otherwise, but even then I try and squeeze in something to do.

Every person does things differently for exercise, this blog is mainly cemented on Crossfit.  I encourage everyone to get out there and become active.  America has become the fattest nation in the world and this growing problem can be resolved by getting off the couch and into the game so to speak.  Don't let laziness consume your life, do something for a better life and a better you.

In conclusion, always look for an alternative to not just giving in or giving up.  There are many ways to help on those "blah" days.  Like I always say, "You can't do it unless you do it"!!  Stay Fit.

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