Sunday, July 14, 2013

How To Get Sh*t Done Reach Your Fitness Goals & Stay Balanced 22 Tips

 If you’re reading this you are probably a motivated, go-getter that is passionate and driven to be better and accomplish more. You likely work hard, play hard, and live hard.  That’s not the best way to go about your training or your life. I don’t believe it is healthy to go as hard as possible all the time.  You need to insert breaks in your intensity in life, and in your workouts, to reach maximum results.
Most people wake up and rush off to work, then rush to appointments, social engagements, events, meetings, dinners and parties. Then, they hurry to get everything together for the next day before rushing to bed, completely exhausted. Most people can’t stop thinking before bed and don’t sleep very well because they are restless and stressed. You may be doing all of those things, plus squeezing in a workout where you are pushing your body.
  • Is everything you do either mentally or physically demanding?
  • Are you always trying to get more done, in less time?
If this is you, you’ve gotta stop committing to so much, putting more on your schedule and saying yes to everything and everyone.
I believe that how you manage your time, and what you prioritize really says a lot about you. Life-balance is the factor that I help every single one of my clients improve (coaching options HERE). If you are a super driven person, you may think that you can’t take a break, that you have to do more, or that all-out is the only way. You may be stuck in a place where you feel like you can’t get anything done, but yet you are still trying to do it all.  You need to relax, chill out and check your priorities.
It is not healthy or fun to go, go, go all the time. If you are doing that, you are probably over-stressed, and your demeanor is already having negative impacts on your body, workouts, relationships, and mood. Training hard is fine, but not when you are under-rested and over-stressed. Working hard on something is fine, but not if you don’t take breaks. Believe me, I have put way too much on my plate, and I was crushed by anxiety…and it sucked (read moreHERE). When you have a clear, relaxed and stable state of mind, you’ll see drastic improvements in every aspect of your life. You simply need to slow down.

  22 Tips on How To Get Sh*t Done & Stay Balanced

  1. Take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to write out your daily and weekly priorities – Focus on a few major things
  2. Slow down, literally – Remind yourself to walk slower, drive slower, and talk slower *except if you’re in the middle of a workout
  3. Schedule breaks into your day to be quiet and still and pray, meditate or just think – Even just 10 mins here & there
  4. If you feel wiped out, tell those around you that you are trying to improve your time-management and that you may have to say no to certain invitations
  5. Do the shitty and annoying stuff at the beginning of the day and the beginning of the week so it’s off your list – I normally attack my ‘shit list’ on Mondays
  6. Remind yourself what’s important before you start on the next task, or go to the next place (gym, home, work, etc.) – Know why you are there and your purpose
  7. Prioritize at least 7.5 hours of sleep each night and create a steady sleep schedule – Take naps when you can
  8. Do something fun each day, and be sure to laugh your ass off as often as you can
  9. Take care of others (especially those who are less fortunate than you) –  Take time, each day to tune into someone else who could benefit from your support and love
  10. Have an accountability partner who helps keep you on track with your workout goals and weekly priorities – Ask them to stay all over you
  11. Surround yourself with awesome people who have similar goals and lifestyles so that you can stay focused and you can continue to grow
  12. Plan a day each week where you put nothing on your schedule – At the very minimum block off 5 hours of a day where you have absolutely nothing planned so that you can chill or be spontaneous depending on your mood
  13. Be grateful and remind yourself that you are blessed for little things like your 5 senses, breathing, living etc. – Do this right when you wake up and right before you close your eyes
  14. Take time to improve your fitness and health – Make sure that you are putting your best effort into training *read about training intensity and how to manage it to get the most results HERE
  15. Prepare and cook your food in advance  - Prep your protein and veggies in bulk so that it is not a constant stress in your daily life *read how to keep your grocery shopping simple HERE
  16. Do something relaxing and rejuvenating each day – Make a list of all the things that make you feel calm and do at least 1 of those, for a little, each day
  17. Take some time away from the gym – You should take at least one full day off each week, and try to plan at least 2-3 days in a row away from the gym, each month
  18. Play sports and games whenever you can – Make sure that you aren’t just doing one type of workout in the same location all the time (monotonous & boring as hell)
  19. Get outside as often as you can and spend time in nature – Try to do this each day, but at the very minimum spend some time outside each week – It’s a beautiful world out there
  20. Organize your space & clear the clutter – If you don’t use it, get rid of it – Be neat and clean so that you can focus
  21. Stop multitasking so much – Everyone thinks they are good at multitasking, no one is *unless you are doing #3 & #19 at the same time, which I highly suggest
  22. Reassess your priorities each week – Look over THESE 6 ASPECTS  as often as you can and see how you can improve your life-balance
  • Keep working on these 22 tips and always try to improve your balance. I am constantly trying to get the important stuff done, yet stay relaxed and have a good time so that I can give my best to others.
As always, toss this a thumbs up if you enjoyed it – it’s really the only way I know if these articles are worth posting – Comment below with your favorite tips
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