Thursday, July 25, 2013

Form and Technique Improvement Day

  • Various Stretching exercises to warm-up muscles.
  • Slow concentrated movements
  • Focus on really stretching out any sore areas.
  • Range of motion movements, arm circles, hip rotations, etc.
  • Side to Side groin stretches, slow and easy.
  • Squatting Horse Stance, legs and hips at 90 degree angle then slowly bounce up and down.
  • Slowly touch toes, legs straight, then raise arms to the sky holding stretch.
  • Lying on a mat or floor, stretch lower extremities. 
  • Standing leg swings; 10 times each leg, frontwards and side to sides.  Try not letting foot hit the floor.  Use chair or wall for balance till perfected.
  • Wall Ball Shots, slow and easy with Squat.
Heart Rate Warm-up
  • Double Unders-concentrate on technique. Use a 1-2-3 low jump-4 high jump pace.
  • Jumping Jacks with split cross variance.

 Burgener Warmup
  • Step 1: Down and Up for developing speed through the middle while holding an empty bar.The hips must open and the shoulders come up.
  • Step 2: Elbows high and outside for keeping the bar close.
  • Step 3: The muscle snatch for developing the turnover.
  • Step 4: Practice footwork as you increase the depth of the receiving position with the bar overhead.
  • Step 5: Put it all together, dropping to the floor with bar overhead representing a heavy overhead lift.
Clean Progression
50-55% Max Rep Weight 1st Round
60-65% Max Rep Weight 2nd Round

  • 2 sets/3 reps: Hang Clean Shrugs
  • 2 sets/3 reps: Hang Power Cleans
  • 2 sets/3 reps: Hang Squat Cleans
  • 2 sets/3 reps: Power Cleans
  • 2 sets/3 reps: Clean Squats

105 Sit-ups
160 Crunches
60 Leg Raises
95 sec Plank

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