Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Goodbye Bull" WOD

Although I write this blog, I want to take a moment to say thanks.  Tonight is my FINAL workout with my Minions of Fitness.  I want to express my deepest appreciation for being such a great group over the time we had.  I hope I made a difference in each and everyone's life?  I will remember you all.  Again, thank you guys.  Stay Fit!!


80 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


Run 1600m

30 Diamond Pushups

30 Squats

Swim 200m

Cash Out

ENJOY LIFE to it's Fullest!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Burpee Pull-over

"Hungry Henry" WOD

Wrote this WOD up Special for our guy Henry who is going on Leave but since I am leaving this country and won't see him again, we destroyed it tonight.


Focused Stretching


8 Rounds For Time

20 Kettlebell Swings

Run 200m with KB

Cash Out

Mobility Stretching

Friday, August 22, 2014

"8-22-2014" WOD


Run 400m


3 Rounds

10 reps Kipping Pullups

10 reps Lunges

10 reps Box Dips


For Time:

Row 500m
50 Squats

Row 400m
40 Situps

Row 300m
30 Hand Release Pushups

Row 200m
20 Jumping Lunges

Row 100m
10 Burpees

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"8-21-2014" Fight Gone Bad..ish


Run 400m

3 Rounds

10 reps Pullups

10 reps Lunges

10 reps Squats


3 Rounds

EMOM-Rotate Every Minute, 1 Min Rest at end of Round

Row for Calories

Box Jumps

Kettlebell Swings @54/35lbs


50m Sprint

Hand Release Pushups

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

CFHR Floor Press

"8-19-2014" WOD


Floor Press

3 reps @70% Max Weight

3 reps @80% Max Weight

3 reps @90% Max Weight


4 Rounds For Time

Row 500m

21 reps Burpees

Run 200m

Cash Out

Tabata Time: 20/10sec-8 Rounds

Low Planks

Saturday, August 16, 2014

"8-16-2014" WOD


Run 500m

3 Rounds

10 reps Hand Release Pushups
10 reps Pullups
10 reps Jump Lunges


8 Rounds For Time

14 reps Clean and Jerk @135/95lbs

14 reps Gassers (Sprint 100m)

Cash Out

3x15 reps GHD Situps
3x15 reps Back Extensions

Friday, August 15, 2014

"Awesome Amanda" Pool WOD


Focused Stretching


4 Rounds

Partners 1 and 2 perform 20 reps of Pushups (10 Each)

Partner #1 Swims Length of Pool

Partner #2 Holds High Plank till Partner reaches end of pool.

Partner #2 then swims Length of pool.

Partners 1 and 2 perform 20 Air Squats (10 Each)

Total: 4 Rounds

Cash Out

30 Above and Underwater Kettlebell Swings.

X45 CrossFit Kinabalu - BBQ Pool WOD Party!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"8-14-2014" WOD


Double Under Progression


10 Pullups
1 Box Jump
9 Pullups
2 Box Jumps
8 Pullups
3 Box Jumps
7 Pullups
4 Box Jumps
6 Pullups
5 Box Jumps
5 Pullups
6 Box Jumps
4 Pullups
7 Box Jumps
3 Pullups
8 Box Jumps
2 Pullups
9 Box Jumps
1 Pullups
10 Box Jumps

Cash Out

30 Hip Extensions

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

CrossFit - A Kipping Pull-Up Instructional

"8-13-2014" WOD


Kipping Pullup Progression

Beginner WOD

100 Squats
100 Situps
100 KB Swings

75 Squats
75 Situps
75 KB Swings

50 Squats
50 Situps
50 KB Swings

25 Squats
25 Situps
25 KB Swings

Intermediate WOD--Partners

4 Rounds For Time

Partner #1-Rows 500m

Partner #2-Back Rack Box Stepups on 12" Box @95/65lb Loaded Bar

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"8-12-2014" WOD


Walking Lunges


6 Rounds

10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts @145/125lbs

15 Box Jumps

100m Run

Cash Out

1 min Low Plank
1 min Wall Sit
1 min High Plank
1 min Wall Sit

Monday, August 11, 2014

"8-11-2014" WOD


60 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


EMOM-1 min/Rest 1 min at end of Round

4 Rounds


Squat Jacks

Walk The Floors

Lying Rope Climb

Dumbbell Thrusters

Knees To Elbows

Cash Out

25 Situps w/plate @35/25lbs

25 Russian Twists w/plate @35/25lbs

25 Hip Raises

25 Jump Ins

Friday, August 8, 2014

"8-8-2014" WOD


Double Under Progression

WOD--Kettlebell Mania

21 Turkish Getups (L)

50 Side to Side Lunges

21 Clean/Jerk (R)

50 Side to Side Lunges

21 Clean/Jerk (L)

50 Side to Side Lunges

21 Turkish Getups (R)

Cash Out

20 Power Cleans

20 Burpees Over Bar

Thursday, August 7, 2014

"Run Day" WOD


Focused Stretching


Run 1200m
50 Incline Pushups
50 Squats

Run 800m
40 Incline Pushups
40 Squats

Run 600m
30 Incline Pushups
30 Squats

Run 400m
20 Incline Pushups
20 Squats

Run 200m
10 Incline Pushups
10 Squats

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"8-6-2014" WOD


"Bring Sally Up"

Back Squats @135/115lbs


2 Rounds

20 Bulgarian Lunge Jumps

20 Pullups

40 Close Hand Pushups

100 Jumping Jacks

25 Alternating Prisoner Crossover Lunge

20 Mountain Climbers

10 Burpee Pullups

10 Decline Spiderman Pushups

30 Med Ball V-Ups

15 Split Jump Lunge

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Wacky Wyndell" WOD

In Honor of our good friend Wyndell and someone who shows up every day and pushes himself till he's done and never gives in or gives up.  Gonna miss ya brother.  If you need anything let me know.


60 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


EMOM-1min Rotations-3 Rounds


Incline Pushups

Air Squats w/25lb plate


Hip Extensions

Box Step Ups w/25lb dumbbells

Cash Out

30 KB Swings

Monday, August 4, 2014

"500 Ab Destroyer" WOD


Focused Stretching


25 Regular Crunches
25 Left Obliques
25 Right Obliques
25 Pulse Crunches

25 Mountain Climbers
25 Leg Lifts
25 Reverse Crunches
25 Regular Crunches

25 Bicycles
25 Plank Jacks
25 Sit Backs
25 In and Outs

25 V-Ups
25 Russian Twists
25 Mountain Climbers
25 Hip Raises

25 Heel Touches
25 Grasshoppers
25 Supermans
25 Jump Ins

Partner Cash Out

25 Jump Over Burpees

Saturday, August 2, 2014

"Running Bear" WOD


10 Pushups

10 Diamond Pushups

10 Wide Arm Pusups

10 Close Hand Pushups


7 Rounds

Run 200m

1 Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Push Press

1 Back Squat

1 Push Press

Cash Out

30 GHD Situps