Monday, March 31, 2014

"Beat Feet" WOD


Walking Lunges

Side to Sides


For Time:

Run 800m

400m Farmer's Carry @"2" 16kg Kettlebells

Run 800m

400m Farmer's Carry @"2" 16kg Kettlebells

Run 800m

400m Farmer's Carry @"2" 16kg Kettlebells

Run 800m

400m Farmer's Carry @"2" 16kg Kettlebells

Cash Out

40 GHD Situps


Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Angie" WOD


100 Double Unders

30 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


100 Pullups

100 Pushups

100 Situps

100 Squats

Cash Out

250m Row x2 sets

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Baseline From Hell" WOD


Focused Stretching/Mobility


5 Rounds; "3 minute rest between rounds"

400m Run

10 reps Pullups

20 reps Pushups

30 reps Situps

40 reps Squats

Cool Down

Focused Stretching

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Around The World" WOD


5x5 Push Press @135/115lbs


"Rotate every 2 minutes for a total of 12 minutes."

Deadlifts @135/115lbs

Box Jumps @24/22"

Russian Kettle Bell Swings

Power Cleans @135/115lbs


Dumb Bell Thrusters @35/20lbs

Cash Out

10 Reverse Burpees

15 Dive Bomber Pushups

20 Side to Sides

Rich Froning 14.4

Monday, March 24, 2014

"Hit It Hard" WOD

Partner Warmup-2 Rounds

Row 250m


"Partner #1 Rows while Partner #2 does Burpees"


5 min AMRAP

10 Kettlebell Thrusters

10 Punch Combos (1,2,1,2)

10 Toes to Bar

Cash Out

1 min Frog Jumps

1 min Box Jumps

1 min Squat Thrusts

1 min Ball Slams

Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Hoppin Hurdles" WOD


Partner Warmup


5x5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts @205/155lbs

"While Partner #1 Rows, Partner #2 will Deadlift."


10 min AMRAP

"Hurdle Hops"

Arrange 4-5 Hurdles or similar items in a row spaced evenly enough to hop easily over.

On GO:


--Left High Kick

--Jump Hurdles


--Right High Kick

That will complete "1" Round.  Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 min.

Cash Out

30 Hand Release Push ups

25 Hip Extensions 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

"The Jaybird" WOD


30 Air Squats

10 Knees to Elbows

30 KettleBell Swings @16/12kgs


3 Rounds for Time; Rotate every minute


Power Snatch @75/55lbs

Box Jumps

Thrusters @75/55lbs

Chest to Bar Pullups

""1 minute rest between rounds""

Post WOD

75 Situps
100 Crunches
50 Leg Raises
65 sec Plank

Thursday, March 20, 2014

300 Kettle Bell Swing Challenge

Here we go Ladies and Gentlemen!!  

For the next 30 Days, I challenge you all to complete "300" Kettlebell Swings a day.  YES, 300.  Yes it will be challenging.  To achieve such a grueling task, you must plot out a routine to make it feasible.  

I recommend 30 reps 10 times in the day.  There is no set way to perform this but to do it.  What ever is easier for you.  I will be doing the 30 reps for 10 sets throughout my day.

Also, starting today, record your current weight, day 15 and then again day 30.  Let's see if this makes a difference?

Your diet is important as well.  Like with any regiment, no matter if you lift all the weight in the gym and run 10 miles a day.  If you aren't mindful of what and how you eat, all that hard work is for nothing.  I recently found an APP on iPad called "Lose It".  It keeps track of everything you do.  You start by building a profile and choosing a goal weight for instance.  You then keep track of all you eat and do as far as exercise and it gives you calorie count for each day, and based on that, how long it should take to reach your goal.  Try it, who knows, might be a good tool for you?

So here we go my friends, 300 Kettelbell Swings a day for 30 Days.  Are you crazy enough to do it?  I am!  Stay Fit.

By: Bull Brumels

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Snatch Practice with Dan Bailey

"Throw Some Snatch" WOD


Snatch 2-1-1-1-1

Clean and Jerk 2-1-1-1-1


10 Rounds EMOM

1 Hang Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch

1 Over Head Squat

Cash Out

20 Tire Flips

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"Grin and Bear It" WOD

Bear Complex

5 Rounds of 7 Reps Each of 135/95lbs

Power Cleans

Front Squat

Push Press

Back Squat

Push Press

Endurance WOD

Run 800m

25 Air Squats

Run 800m

25 Side to Sides

Run 800m

25 Plate Push Press @45/25lb plate

Run 800m

25 Squat Thrusts

Cash Out

20 GHD Situps

20 Hip Extensions 

Monday, March 17, 2014

"Still Throwin Blows" WOD


5 reps Knees to Elbows

10 reps Box Jumps

15 reps Clapping Pushups

20 Air Squats

Pyramid WOD

2 Rounds

Row 500m

5 Dive Bomber Pushups

10 (R) Jumping Front Kicks

15 Side to Sides

20 Jab/Cross Combos

25 Burpees

20 Jab/Cross Combos

15 Side to Sides

10 (L) Jumping Front Kicks

5 Dive Bomber Pushups

Row 500m

Cash Out

Run 800m

10 Toes to Bar

Saturday, March 15, 2014



20 Side to Sides

25 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks


3 rounds

25 Jab/Cross Combos

25 Butterfly Ab Mat Situps

25 L/R Roundhouse Kicks

25 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Post WOD

1 min Wall Sit

1 min Burpees

1 min Jump Squats

1 min Wall Ball Shots

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Squatastic" WOD


5x2 Back Squats @83% MaxRep


Power Clean Progression


8 min AMRAP

5 reps Power Cleans @135/95lbs

10 reps Wall Ball Shots @20/14lbs

Cash Out

2 rounds

15 GHD Situps
10 Hip Extensions

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Lumberjack 20" WOD


Walking Lunges

Jump Rope


For Time:

20 Deadlifts @275/185lbs

Run 400m

20 Kettlebell Swings

Run 400m

20 Overhead Squats @115/85lbs

Run 400m

20 Burpees

Run 400m

20 Pullups

Run 400m

20 Box Jumps

Run 400m

20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans @45/30lbs

Run 400m

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

"Fran" WOD


2 Rounds

5-10 Wall Climbs



Thrusters @95/65lbs


Cool Down

EMOM 5 min

12 reps Russian Kettlebell Swings (You choose weight)

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Unwritten Rules of Crossfit--By:Boxlife Team

1. Be honest. No rep your no reps. Though the score’s on the board, you’re really only competing against yourself.
2. Give your best every day, and know that your best will change from day to day.
3. Don’t be an ass.
4. Motivate your fellow athlete. Everyone needs help sometimes.
5. Be social. Introduce yourself to the newbie. Make a new friend.
6. Check your ego at the door (and scale when necessary, the wod is usually harder than it looks).
7. Work on your weaknesses; skills need your undivided attention.
8. Be patient with your progress, some things take time.
9. Have fun!
10. Put your equipment away (where you found it). No, the 25lb kettlebell doesn’t go with the 75lb kettlebells.
11. Eat right, whatever that means to you. Spend the money and the time getting it right.
12. Don’t avoid WODs because you don’t like them. Most of the time, that’s exactly what you need.



Hang Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @75/55lbs



Hang Knee Raises

Clean and Jerk @75/55lbs

Box Jumps

Wall Ball Shots


Cash Out

27 Burpees

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Kill Them Legs" WOD


3x15 Wall Squat

3x15 Air Squat

3x10 Goblet Squat

Partner WOD

3 Rounds for Time:

250m Row

Kettlebell Rack Hold

"While Partner #1 Rows, Partner #2 will hold 2 Kettlebells in the Rack position."

Cool Down

4x30/30 Frog Jump

4x30/30 Push Press @45/25lb Bar

4x30/30 Split Jump

2x1 min Plank

Saturday, March 8, 2014

"Battle Baron" WOD


While playing "Bring Sally Up" song.



20 min AMRAP

Run 400m

20 Russian Kettelbell Swings

20 Med Ball Cleans


30 Burpees

Friday, March 7, 2014

"Stacked Ladder" WOD

Dedicated to my Homie Austin Stack, good friend and awesome Crossfit Athlete and Coach.  Thanks for all the help and advice bro.


25 Supermans

25 Burpee Broad Jumps

25 Hand Release Pushups



Deadlifts @165/115lbs


Post WOD

10 Chest to Bar Pullups

20 Kettlebell Squats

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Video Submission Demo: Open Workout 14.2

Open Workout 14.2 Standards

Workout 14.2

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-3:00
   2 rounds of:
   10 overhead squats
   10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

From 3:00-6:00
   2 rounds of:
   12 overhead squats
   12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

From 6:00-9:00
   2 rounds of:
   14 overhead squats
   14 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
95-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
65-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups

MASTERS MEN - includes Masters Men 55+
65-lb. overhead squats
Chin-over-bar pull-ups

MASTERS WOMEN - includes Masters Women 55+
45-lb. overhead squats
Jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

Each 3-minute section begins from the standing position with the barbell on the floor and the Athlete standing tall. Using a ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. Every rep counts in this workout. You will enter your score as the total number of reps. See the Scorecard for assistance in calculating the rep total.

Time Bonus
This workout begins as a standard three-minute couplet of two rounds of 10 overhead squats and 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 40 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the three minutes is up before beginning the next segment. In the second segment, minute 3 to minute 6, you will attempt two rounds of 12 overhead squats and 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 48 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the six minutes is up before beginning the next segment. In the third segment, minute 6 to minute 9, you will attempt two rounds of 14 overhead squats and 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 56 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the nine minutes is up before beginning the next segment. You will continue in this pattern for as long as possible. Sixteen reps of each during minutes 9 to 12, 18 reps of each during minutes 12 to 15, etc.
Your workout is over whenever you do not complete two full rounds of the couplet within the time cap and your score will be the total number of reps you complete.
For example, if you complete the first two rounds of 10s (40 reps) in 2:30, you will rest until 3:00 before beginning the rounds of 12s. If you then complete one full round of 12s plus an additional 10 overhead squats (34 reps) by minute 6, your workout is over. Your score will be 74 (40 reps from the first segment plus 34 reps from the second segment).

• Barbell
• Collars
• Plates to load to the appropriate weights for your division
• Pull-up bar

*The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 43 kg for the Men and, 29 kg for the Women, 29 kg for the Masters Men, 20 kg for the Masters Women.

Video Submission Standards
Click here to see an example of a valid video submission.
Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A second person with a stopwatch should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from the side so it is clear that proper depth and lockout is being reached on the overhead squats and the chest can be seen touching the bar on the pull-ups.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Barbell Hell" WOD


15 min AMRAP

2 min Snatch

2 min Thruster

2 min Power Clean

2 min Front Squat

2 min Back Squat

1 min Snatch

1 min Thruster

1 min Power Clean

1 min Front Squat

1 min Back Squat

"All lifts are scalable but Prescribed Weight is 135/95lbs.  Remember only the Snatch and Power Clean is a touch and go exercise.  No rest between exercises also."