Thursday, March 20, 2014

300 Kettle Bell Swing Challenge

Here we go Ladies and Gentlemen!!  

For the next 30 Days, I challenge you all to complete "300" Kettlebell Swings a day.  YES, 300.  Yes it will be challenging.  To achieve such a grueling task, you must plot out a routine to make it feasible.  

I recommend 30 reps 10 times in the day.  There is no set way to perform this but to do it.  What ever is easier for you.  I will be doing the 30 reps for 10 sets throughout my day.

Also, starting today, record your current weight, day 15 and then again day 30.  Let's see if this makes a difference?

Your diet is important as well.  Like with any regiment, no matter if you lift all the weight in the gym and run 10 miles a day.  If you aren't mindful of what and how you eat, all that hard work is for nothing.  I recently found an APP on iPad called "Lose It".  It keeps track of everything you do.  You start by building a profile and choosing a goal weight for instance.  You then keep track of all you eat and do as far as exercise and it gives you calorie count for each day, and based on that, how long it should take to reach your goal.  Try it, who knows, might be a good tool for you?

So here we go my friends, 300 Kettelbell Swings a day for 30 Days.  Are you crazy enough to do it?  I am!  Stay Fit.

By: Bull Brumels

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