Friday, May 16, 2014

"5-16-2014" WOD


Focused Stretching

50 "4 Count" Jumping Jacks

Beginners WOD--Mad Maddie

30 Situps

30 Dive Bomber Pushups

30 Dumbbell Push Press

30 Froggy Jumps

30 Dumbbell Thrusters

30 Burpees

30 Split Lunges

Cash Out

50 GHD Situps

Intermediate WOD--Miagi

For Time:

50 Deadlifts @135/95lbs

50 Double KB Swings

50 Hand Release Pushups

50 Clean and Jerks @135/95lbs

50 Pullups

50 Taters

50 Box Jumps

50 Wall Climbs

50 Knees To Elbows

50 Double Unders

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