Sunday, May 18, 2014

"Man of Steel" WOD


3x5 Wall Squat
3x15 Air Squat
3x10 Goblet Squat
2x10 Pushup
2x10 Proper Pushup

Man Maker Ladder 8-6-4-2-2 reps

Partner WOD

3 Rounds For Time: No Rest

250m Row

Kettlebell Rack Hold

"While Partner #1 Rows, Partner #2 holds 2 Kettlebells in front rack position, then they rotate.  So each Partner will hold 3 times and row 3 times."

Cool Down

4x30/30 Frog Hops
4x30/30 Dumbbell Push Press
4x30/30 Split Lunge
300 second FLR (High Plank)

15 additional minutes of Mobility work

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