Saturday, September 21, 2013

How I made the change-By Bull Brumels

So here we are again my peoples.  I wanna give a quick lowdown on Isagenix.  Isagenix is not just a diet plan with shakes and pills, it's an overall life changer.  I found these assortment of products through a friend of my wife's who body builds and swore this is the way to go.  I have tried every supplement, diet pill, diet plan out there.  I was and GNC's favorite customer for years.  I just was never able to maintain any loss I achieved.  Then comes along this crazy idea from my wife called Isagenix.  Never heard of it.  Does it work, is it a pyramid scheme, what the heck is it?  So reluctantly i agree to try it.  What do I have to lose right?  So at this time, I have totally let myself go physically.  I am in Afghanistan as a contractor with access to the gym 24 hours a day, but is also available 24 hours a day??  Donuts, cookies, pizza, soda, tv, and pure overall laziness.  I came here, oh yea, I'm still here 3 years later btw, 205lbs.  Before i came over I was training MMA fighters on a everyday basis so I was in pretty good shape so i thought?  Well after a while the regular workouts became more and more infrequent.  Depression set in from being away from my wife and kids for so long and my health and fitness got set aside.  So one day I step on a scale and BOOM, 275lbs.  Never had I been so disgusted, but what was I going to do?  How the heck do i lose this much weight?  First step came from my loving wife.  I had just gotten home for vacation, she says "Ok, let's RUN!"  WTF?  I don't run!  She then proceeded to take me on what she claims was 1 mile, but I think I might have seen Hell along the way?  It was the hardest thing I had done in forever.  But with encouragement from her, I dug deep down and kept running, everyday.  the pounds started shedding away.  Now she Introduces Isagenix into the mix.  OY VEY!  Now I gotta eat right too, dang.  But again, can't argue and win with my wife.  I try it.  Hardest 30 days of my life.  I drop 36lbs in 30 days!  All of a sudden, I'm like Heck Yea Isagenix.  I had a few points along the way that made me double guess myself with the program.  One day you lose 5 ponds, then a few days later they're back.  It's discouraging to say the least. But if you just take a chance, just 1 chance on anything for the rest of your life, it should be Isagenix.  So here we are now 1 year later.  I originally dropped to 200 lbs.  Along the way I kept running of course then lost a running bet to a friend and took up Crossfit.  I tell ya, Crossfit has changed my life.  Combined with the balanced nutrition my body is receiving from Isagenix, I am more able to do the things I had long forgotten to do.  I'm more energetic, more motivated, and dedicated to life.  i want to be around and see my Grandchildren go to college.  So what can Isagenix do for you?   Isagenix offers you solutions for weight loss, energy and performance, youthful aging, Age-Defying Skincare and more opportunity to live the life you want. We believe you deserve more. More time, more health, more security, more success, more purpose. With Isagenix what you're trying to do is limit you meals to 1 or 2 a day starting out to let the products work effectively. Combined with doing the cleanse 4 times within that month, its not a colon cleanse so don't worry. Replacing meals with the nutritious shakes provides the body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to survive. There are more benefits, besides cleansing your body of all the harmful toxins we take in from unhealthy foods and other products, you are saving money on the cost of groceries for 3 meals a day per week. Look at it like this, a McDonald's Value Meal may be as much as $8 for that 1 meal, 1 Isagenix shake is less than $2 and you're actually getting the good stuff you need to live a healthier lifestyle. We don't say you cant eat yogurt or pizza or candy. We don't encourage it. You have to find a healthy food plan that suits you that doesn't involve tons of crap. Plus here is the best part. Try it for 30 days and if you don't like the results......FULL 100% money back.  So in conclusion, is Isagenix and Crossfit right for everyone, maybe not?  But if you just ask yourself, what is more important, that cheeseburger or your life?  I hope you choose life?  I am here for questions, concerns, help, and motivation.  Please look at the link to my site below to learn more about Isagenix and it's products and contact me if living a better life is what you want.  Thanks for reading.

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