Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Not Too Much" Partner WOD


 5x5 reps
Deadlifts @155/115lbs up till Max

Partner WOD

For Time:

**Partner #1 will perform exercise and Partner #2 will be doing Wall Ball Shots.  (the amount of reps is a team total.  So if #1 can only do 15 of the 40 reps, #2 jumps in and keeps going from that point).**

40 reps 1 Armed Kettlebell Overhead Squats @35/25lbs

40 reps Chest to Bar Pullups

40 reps Shoulder to Overhead @135/115lbs

6 Minute Ab Workout

"Rotate each 30 seconds"


Heel Touch


Mountain Climbers

Lying Plank

Leg Raises

Side Plank (L)

Side Plank (R)


Russian Twist

Kick Backs (L)

Kick Back (R)

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