Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"4-30-2014" WOD

Skill Progession

Toes to Bar/Knees to Elbows


15 min AMRAP

3 Power Cleans @115/95lbs

6 Clapping Pushups

9 Air Squats

WOD -Intermediate

For Time:

50 Deadlifts @115/95lbs
50 Walking Lunges

40 Back Squats @115/95lbs
40 Toes to Bar

30 Power Cleans @115/95lbs
30 Burpees Over Bar

20 Thrusters @115/95lbs
20 Band Assisted Ring Dips


110 V-ups
125 Bicycles
110 Weighted Situps
125 Flutter Kicks
110 Toe Touches
125 Mountain Climbers 

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